Less of Many

                                   Less of more

There are grains of mercy that fall from the sky as rain. Some turn their faces to mercy. Others prefer to hold an umbrella to what is given... Hundreds of signs are given to man so that he can initiate transformation in his life, like the grains of mercy.

Every journey involves a transformation. There are places where a person should realize his helplessness and avoid hurting the place he steps on.

This is a place where there are different languages and races. It comes to unite around a single goal. To be united, to be converging. It is a union in which a person is purged of his ancestry, his culture, and even his name.

So how does a person get purified?

The ability of man to achieve this is where the transformation begins. Places are sacred, but it may be difficult to understand the visible events. Some people question the fact that when someone is pushing the person in front of them in their wheelchair to say "come on, come on". The garbage left by people from different cultures where they eat, stands out. Or those who wash their feet from the carboy placed to drink water are considered strange. Just when they are about to focus on the task ahead, the ringing of the phone can become an agony. At any moment, situations that people may see negatively catches their eyes.

So, is the event looked at negative or does the person look at it negatively?

Most people smile when they see someone smiling. Although that person may be from adifferent race, people become captive of that warm feeling that comes to their heart. It'spleasing and it feels good. Most people also have a negative thought about the negative events they encounter. What they think is reflected in their sentences. "How bad it smells!" "Is it that odor that smells bad or is it me smelling it?" Most people never think about it. Why did this scent come to me? Or am I the kind of person who smells people's flaws? Why did I feel the need to put this into a sentence? That's what most people think when they are not aware. Most people react negatively to negativity and positively to positive events.

Only a few start their own transformation by looking positively at what people see as negative.

Transformation begins with thinking anew about people. It starts with them asking, "Why did I smell that?"

Most people get angry at a high-pitched phone ringing while working. Only a few people wonder why they hear this voice. Most people get angry when a wheelchair driven behind them hits their leg. Only a few realize that they must walk fast in the transition area at that moment. Most people get angry at someone who washes their feet by pouring water from the carboy they are drinking from. Only a few ask what they need. Even if they never see that person again, they make a hundred of positive excuses. They silence the voice inside thembecause he may have done it for a lot of reasons. "He doesn't know, if he knew, he wouldn't do it," they would say. They look at all the experiences from the perspective of wisdom.

The moment when man begins his transformation is the moment when he is purified from his identity... 

The moment when man gets rid of himself, when he becomes pure...

The moment when he unloads his burdens; retaining his humanity…

Thus, the moment when humanity looks with the same eye and hears with the same ear...

The moment when all can be one and understand each other...

Hundreds of events appear for the transformation of man. They flow just like rain. Those who can understand are those who can think. Some of them start their transformation with the events they experience. For others, what they experience remains an experience.

Transformation is initiated when a person holds the mirror to himself. Only a fewturns the mirror on themselves when they look at events.

Hoping to be one of the few...


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4 Yorumlar

  1. Excellent writing with info.and strategies for permanent transformation..

  2. Dönüşüm için niyetimizi aldık.Kaleminize sağlık 🤗

  3. Zor ama çıraklığını başlatıp yapabilenlerden oluruz inşallah..

  4. Azı düşündü Azı dönüştü Azı kurtuldu ne kadarı pek azı
