Be Quiet

Among the white painted houses of the neighborhood, the crowd of children on the street could be noticed. The intense and joyful noise echoed in the street. The smell of food coming from the kitchens of the houses surrounded the neighborhood. The children who were shouting at each other among those smells that make you hungry suddenly became silent.

It didn't take long. A laughing sound was heard. Zeynep couldn't hold herself back again. They continued the game by saying, "Come on, get out of the game!" “Okay, let's get started. Shut up. One, two, three!” Children trying hard not to look at each other and laugh, cunning people who want to make the other person laugh and get them out of the game, and those who try to stay strong despite all the provocations...

We tried to learn how to remain silent with these games. We tried to remain silent as our mother's brow rose and fell. We tried to learn to remain silent out of fear of our teacher, who pulled our ears in class and punished us in front of the wall.

“It's so hard to keep silent,” we thought while serve a sentence. How can one remain silent in life when it is so difficult even when playing games and being punished?

When you were wronged or justified,
When you were deceived or deceived,
When you were abandoned or abandoned,
When you broke up or made peace,
When you were broke heart or you broke someone's heart,
When you lost your loved one or new someone comes in your life,
When you failed or succeeded…

How can person remain silent? While there is so much that he wants tell.

The person wants to talk about herself when sometimes suffer, sometimes when is successful and sometimes when is happy. When a person is sad, he wants to commiserate, when a person is happy, he wants to increase. And generally, people want to tell themselves.

Even when they go to visit patients, they do not wait for an answer to the question "How are you?"

"I'll tell you. "Look, you're a little tired now, you need to eat a little." 

“Is yours a disease too? How many years have I been suffering? "If you were in my place, you wouldn't be able to be patient," one says. One talks about it either because he knows the subject or to belittle it.

And even likes to put words to the patient's mouth. Person even describes own pain boastfully. It is concern to tell about oneself and exist...

Everyone has a different style. Some people say, "Say it, pour out your heart. You will relax, but don't hold it in. "Cry if necessary, you will open up," They try to be told them. This is actually to remove her own curiosity. That person asks and asks. The real reason is not to reduce the other person's distress but to seek material for gossip.

Sometimes the cause of the problem may be being wrong by someone. Keeping silent does not mean “not being given your due or oppressing yourself”. A person does not seek rights by talking too much. Because actually an unjust person talks a lot. The righteous person also remains silent. That person told the truth, it's over. What more could one say?

How much can this be understood by remaining silent? Sometimes that person says many sentences and it does not affect the other person as much as silence.

The meaning of both speaking and remaining silent is not to exist, not to relax, not to be right, not to gossip or not to be offended.

When a person's aim is to solve a problem, she realizes that there is actually a meaning in being silent.

Well, how can a person remain silent when has so much to say?

Experiential Design Teaching says; "Those who can be silent in life will achieve success."

Staying silent is the first step to starting communication. A person knows the need and keeps silent in order to meet the need.

Behind every success and happiness, there are things that have been done and things that have not been done. It is noticed that people who have achieved their goals never talk about their intentions. These are not empty silences, they are silences that gain.

Because a person gets rewarded for keeping silent when wants to explain ownself or praise ownself.

People can be wrong…
And one can see silence as an escape.
But the cure for a person is silence...
When a person knows when to remain silent, life begins to speak for own.
This is the sign of the real winners today.
Being subjected to so much injustice and remaining so silent...
Our testimony is the story of those who choose to remain silent.

So, what is the reason for the silence?

Is it the pain in the bridge of your nose due to the extreme pain?
From burning inside?
From being in a state of waiting?
From praying?
Is it because of patience?
Or is it because he knows very well where expects help?

Whatever the need is, I hope it will be met...
If ALLAH allows, let's meet in prayers…

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1 Yorumlar

  1. I keep silent because I know where help will come from. What does the one who finds it lose? What does he find who loses it?
