What Was the Secret of Happiness?

What was it to be sincere?

To play all your cards with everything you have?

Or to share what you have in your hands, heart, and soul?

Could one remain sincere amidst extravagance?

If so, would sacred places be chosen so far from ostentation?

Why does a homemade sandwich and tea in a thermos sometimes bring more joy than a meal eaten in the most luxurious restaurant? Aygül was 19 when she met someone new at her workplace. He was not her type at all; very quiet, calm, introverted, only speaking when necessary. Our girl, on the other hand, was lively, talkative, and friendly. They occasionally bumped into each other, exchanging banter. One day, the young man showed up with two tickets in hand. "I have 2 tickets for Ata Demirel's show, would you like to come?" he asked. Aygül didn't understand at first; it was an unexpected gesture. After collecting her thoughts, she managed to ask, "What time?" "8:30 PM at Bostancı Show Center," he replied. "Unfortunately, my family wouldn't allow me to go out in the evening," she said. Without saying anything, the young man turned and left. She actually wanted to go, but she didn't know what to say to her family.

The next day, the young man came again and said, "Then let me invite you for breakfast, you can come in the morning, right?" "That works," Aygül said, smiling. After two years of friendship, Aygül now wanted to get married and meet freely. During these two years, there were gifts, meals... Aygül didn't let him pay for anything. They argued, and right after that, either flowers, a necklace, or something else would arrive. Of course, our girl didn't dislike it. As time went by, the marriage proposal came. First, a meal in the most luxurious restaurant in the Bosphorus, followed by a carefully planned boat trip and a marriage proposal. Of course, the aftermath was a flurry of 'yes' responses in the air. Promises were made, engagement, henna night, bridal hammam, dowries, gifts, and their homes were set up without any shortcomings. Both the girl's side and the boy's side had put great effort into this marriage, and their homes were established without any deficiencies. Along with debts...

The early days of marriage were beautiful. They could go out comfortably, staying out until late at night. They would go home, order food if they wanted, or visit their families. But there was something missing, something they couldn't name. Although everything was perfect, they still couldn't feel complete. Over time, the increasing debts began to weigh on them because they never cut back on their entertainment. And then came the cracking sounds, even though they had started their marriage so ostentatiously, problems began to surface within their marriage. They no longer had any shared activities, and they no longer enjoyed spending time together. The debts had piled up so much that they had to work even harder. Their marriage ended before they could even sit on the living room set they had liked so much. The divorce was so harsh, just as flashy as it had started.

As they emptied the house, these words spilled from the girl's lips:

"I wish we had only one room, but with peace."



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1 Yorumlar

  1. Expectation make us sad and we don't interest with causes...As a result, we live but we don't learn...
