Thinking... From weather, from water

“How calm the weather is today, a sparkling sun...A calm wind penetrating ..How a good feeling it is.” While she was having the taste of this feeling, wih the closed eyes, Nermin suddenly jumped with a loud noise... ohh was only a cat, fighting with the other.What if they stay calm, she thought. Justlike the weather, water...”Ohh how nice is the weather”

She closed her eyes again. “Calm wind, hot sun..they are all wandering around my body”..but then she started thinking again:” the weather is not calm , it is always in a motion”

Interesting! I have never thought like this before..she murmured.

She was shocked as if she was meeting the nature newly.”The weather is always in motion in fact, sometimes slow and calm, sometimes fast and cold. Sometimes even harder, faster. And every movement has a benefit to all creatures , live or not.”

“The weather contains the useful elements for the continuety of life...If it is a bit faster, there comes roominess. And if a bit faster, it is carrying polens from a place to another. It has contribution to the variation and continuity of the plants. When it is faster than this, it becomes energy for the movement of ship. And some more, it becomes electricity .. Is it only the weather, in a motion? Is water different? Every motion of it is in favor of the living creatures. There was a consistency in this movement. Just as it should be.. In a balance ... not so little.. and not so extreme which could turn a risk.”

Nermin did not think like this before. And it was the same like noticing the person recently, that was thought to be known.

“Are there any other things like this, thought to be known, but not really known?”

She began thinking deeply.

“I wonder, how beneficial am I ? Even I was not in a movement, was I in favor of the people? How meaningfull was my life? As a daughter, a wife or a friend? If I was not alive , did something go wrong in their life ?And did they say , if only Nermin was here, she would contribute like this? How much could I touch to their life or contribute ? How much did I meet their needs ? How much did I carry one goodness, one benefit from one place to another ? How bright was I ?”

Who am I ? 

“In which topic am I active or in extreme ? Is there anyone, facing a harm because of my passivenes ? or because of my extreme behavior ? “

She was getting anxious the more she thought. She felt like she lived without thinking during the forty years of her life. 

And she thought the others... She did not do anything even she had ability to do. And even some people did not have the ability, but they tried so hard and achieved the ability. 

“What was the difference between me and them? It was so bad, not to give, while you had...seeing the people giving while they don’t have..”

Whereas, she had such good knowledge that could contribute to people 

Only a purpose and a calm movement was enough.

She lived without noticing this but from now on, it shoul not continue like this.

She had heard “ a second spring” . The age forty was not so late.

Even, none of the age was so late ; to begin a new life. The was no age for learning and for teaching.

Nermin stood up with this stability.

She began walking sure steps with the good and very clean purposes. She took a decision from starting herself. Not knowing but getting in application was the important ability. 

She shed the stones ; she extracted what she knew and what she did not.” How can I teach this valuable information I know?” she tought.

She began from herself ..and then from her family, her friends, her far friends... Like the wind, she blew as she blew...She was like a warm breese in favor of the humanity... How easy it as in fact... The only necessary thing was starting...The first step, a little step without understimating..Without saying, what coud be with a little step.. Abundance comes from action.

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