Letter From Mom - 12 /A Child in Palestine

Hello, my child,

I feel embarrassed to say "I missed you" after witnessing the Palestinian child who said, "I wish I had died with my mother and did not experienced these aches and pains"... I can't bring myself to say, "Why haven't you written any letters for a long time?" after seeing parents carrying the pieces of their children in bags...

In your letter, you have described your longing for us in detail. Don’t miss me, my child, please don’t miss... Let's not do injustice to those who truly deserve to be missed. Who are they, you ask? Those whose parents passed away and they do not have even a single relative around them ... Just the absence of a mother, how painful it is in a person's life, isn't it? Let alone a child; even grown-ups often cry for their mothers. It's silent, maybe no one hears, but inside, they say, "Mom, my heart is aching so much." What a great harbor a mother is... A bomb is dropped on that harbor, and...

How terrible it is to be without a harbor, right? The ships’ have. And loaded... But there is no harbor to take shelter and unload. Just like that... In the oceans... A ship wandering alone or anchoring to temporary shores... If they say, “Come on, go away”, you have nothing to say.

There are also small boats... They cannot go far from the shore... They cannot carry too much load... In other words, they cannot go far from the harbor... They don't have that much strength. For boats without a harbor, the seas are now very difficult. I don't know how many boats were left without a harbor with those bombs. Even one was enough for a person. Just one child without a harbor was enough to upset people all over the world. Thousands of harbors were destroyed...

How important a father is in a person's life, right? When it started to get dark, you used to ask the same question: “Mom, when will dad come?" Even now, when you are together, you still ask the same question...

When night falls, a person desires peace especially. People want to know that they are safe. Darkness covers everything. People want a power that can be a shelter for themselves.

In the heart of a child, there is a strange chill... Suddenly calmed down, a child sees his father and calls "Dad!.." continuies with excitement, "What did you bring us?" Or eyes shifts to the bag in his hand... Whereas the Palestinian children...

Fathers with bags... Mothers saying, "The pillar of our home has come"... Harbors... They all disappeared in Palestine...

Darkness fell, but the father is not coming... Wounds are all around your body, but there is no mother to heal them. You experience a nausea, and you say, "Mom, please help,". Arms are broken, wounds are everywhere of everyone, people are under torture... Maybe, they can only say, "My mom's heart would hurt the most"...

My child, you sometimes travel to another city. You will go and turn back, actually. But there is a strange feeling inside... Actually, the reason for going is very good. But there is an unexplainable heartache. A feeling of being a stranger. Though, there are good people around... But if they touch you, you will cry. Such a strangeness... In the hometown, there are also relatives whom you would change your path in order not to see... But in that strangeness even if such a relative comes to you, it feels so good...

Well, what does a Palestinian child who has no relatives feel? Strangers surround him. And they are so strange that they are not even human...

Why do people use animals as an example to describe evil! You know how animals will react to something certain. But you can't predict how evil someone, who has lost his faith can be. They leave them without a harbor... They leave them in the dark... They kill children... They rape women. They are such a coward that they can't look into your eyes. They only shoot you from behind. They stab you in the back; treacherously...

Saying “Don't be sad” is so empty in the front of such evil. The word is meaningless on its own. What about in this case "Don't be sad, GOD is with us..."? Look my child, now everything that has been created has diminished, but we did not see...

Traitors don't get sad; they triumph, but GOD is with those who are sad.

Goodbye, my child...

I truly feel embarrassed; I am ashamed of every opportunity I have.

We feel a bit ashamed, we cry a bit... Then we continue with life again... How much can we understand? How much can we understand their pain? How much can we feel? We have never been Palestinians... How much, exactly, can each and every part of us ache? We have never been Palestinians..

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