Little Skylark

Like a bird forced to migrate before learning to fly, our hearts...

Little Skylark directed its gaze at the sun. It was in awe, captivated by its brightness and radiance. After a while, it had to reluctantly avert its eyes. "Ah! I can't even look at you as I wish," it thought.

While sleeping in its nest at night, Little Skylark dreamt of the beloved sun. It could gaze at the sun for a long time without hurting its eyes, then suddenly, the sun disappeared. The surroundings darkened, and the sun's disappearance made everything meaningless.

Little Skylark woke up in fear. It looked outside with a sense of strangeness. "I must go to the sun," it thought silently. Then, it fell back asleep.

Days chased each other. Little Skylark forgot about the sun while busy with daily tasks.

Finding suitable twigs for its damaged nest, working to strengthen it, strengthening its wings tired from flying, and, of course, finding delicious food—these were the important tasks that occupied all its time to continue life peacefully. It woke up at the same time every day, did the same tasks, ate similar things, flew to similar places, and returned to its nest. Sometimes it felt trapped in this routine, as if it were created for something more important.

As if, within this cycle, it couldn't do what it needed to achieve that purpose. As if there were something much more important to do.

With these thoughts, it fell asleep. Another night turned into morning. When the breeze of dawn touched its face, it opened its eyes. The surroundings were not yet bright, but it was clear that dawn was imminent. Somehow, when it opened its eyes, it felt like a small but significant part of something. At that moment, the sun was just starting to rise gently. Little Skylark trembled at the beauty it witnessed.

"YES!" it exclaimed, "I must go to the sun."

This is how the story of Little Skylark began.

When it decided to break out of the barriers it had set for itself, it embraced a great purpose and began to break down those barriers. It flapped its wings towards the sun, higher and higher, with a confident smile on its face.

Now it would nap in any tree it found. The days of being stuck around its nest due to old habits and fears were a thing of the past. It started flying again at the break of dawn. It seemed like it was getting a bit closer each time. "Almost there..." It needed to rest, but it definitely didn't want to stop.

It went through a harsh autumn and winter. Just as every task begins with difficulty, there was a harsh winter at the beginning of this flight. Those who saw it flying in the cold and snow said, "Where are you going, Little Skylark? You'll freeze!"

But Little Skylark, saying, "I can endure; the journey is long, I must reach," continued on its way. Yes, it was very cold, but it did not freeze. And after the harsh winter, spring arrived. Flowers bloomed, the weather warmed, and colorful fruits covered everything.

Spring is the favorite season of every bird. It flew towards the sun, higher and higher... Just as it was admiring the spring fruits, it heard the laughter of children below. "Ah, what a beautiful sound these children make," thought Little Skylark. It felt tired. A little break wouldn't hurt, and it could watch the children. Just then, it found a suitable tree to perch on. It landed and started watching the children. It couldn't resist their cheerful voices and seemed to enjoy being part of the joyful scene.

It was truly having a wonderful time. Then other children came. They admired Little Skylark's songs, clapping and dancing. One of them brought a piece of bread. Unfortunately, Little Skylark couldn't catch it. It was so hungry. Then they put the bread on the ground, stepping back to let the little bird eat in peace. Little Skylark descended to take the bread, looking at the children gratefully. It extended its beak to the bread when suddenly a trap fell on it.

Little Skylark looked at the children in confusion. The children clapped, danced, and even shouted in joy. "It's my bird," said one of the children, taking Little Skylark. In that moment, Little Skylark looked at the sun for the last time without any barriers.

Now it was in a cage in a house. It had only taken a break from its flight to rest a little and enjoy the moment. During that time, it was admired, kissed, and smelled by some, while sometimes it was prodded by the fingers of visiting children.

It couldn't follow up when the sun rose or set anymore. Thus, it couldn't welcome the dawn with joy anymore. Sometimes a faint, blurry thought crossed its mind, like, "Was I a part of something? Wasn't I flying towards the sun last?"

Then, it would just go to its food bowl and forget those thoughts.

By the way, is there a reason for its creation?

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2 Yorumlar

  1. Never had a story l read but l didn't cry... Each story touches my heart so deeply and lets my eyes free drops gently... I was so happy through the end thinking little bird learnt from ıts mistakes but unfortunately it wqs captivated again 😪😓😖😭😭😭 l wish all of the created beings strength that they can turn their life purpose into reality with courtesy and easily with God's permission. Thanks for reminding us our facts 🙏🏻

  2. Teşekkürler. herkese lazım olan bilgiler....
