If They Have Phosphorus Bombs, We Have a Sturdy Faith

A white dust cloud covers our faces,

Breaths are held...

Everyone thinks our lives are in danger, cause our blood is flowing...

Yet the one who becomes a martyr doesn't feel any pain...

A little girl recognizes her mother from her hair.

But there isn't much left of her mother anyway...

All the powers of the world gather together,

To kill a handful of orphans.

The cruel doesn't know,

The Guardian of His servant is the GOD.

For the one whose Guardian is the GOD,

His strength is sufficient.

Their power,

Frightens the baby Muhammad,

And we...

We add the sighs of every drop of blood they shed,

Every tear they shed,

Every bird they scare,

To our faith.

Some people think the words have ended…

However it’s only when,

The only owner of our voice and words says,

That's when our voice is silenced.

To die is not a problem,

The problem for us is to live without faith.

The one with faith;

If they live, they win,

If they die, they become martyrs;

They still win...

Death doesn't make us lose,

Our concern is to die with an incomplete faith.

If they have bombs that paint us white,

We have a stylish faith.

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