The Relationship Between Movement and Abundance


Ayla woke up to the sound of the bell ringing. On the one hand, the bell was ringing and on the other hand, the door was being pounded. Without realizing what was happening, she reached for the phone next to her with half-asleep eyes. She put her phone on silent so that her sleep would not be disturbed; she also turned off the alarm and vibration. It was almost noon and she saw Nazan's thirteen missed calls on her phone. While getting up from the bed, she called out to the door: "I'm here ... I'm here!"

She was surprised when she saw Nazan's worried and slightly angry face at the door.

- Where are you? I can not reach you. You won't hear the phone, the doorbell, or even if a cannon explodes!

- I couldn't wake up, come in... 

She welcomed her sister in and headed for the kitchen.

- I'll have a coffee and freshen up. Would you like it too?

Nazan looked at Ayla with puzzled eyes.

- What's wrong with you? You never used to sleep this much. You seem to have very low energy. Are you okay?

- Nothing... I'm fine. I'm fine, but I'm in no mood. I want to lie down all day.

- You're definitely sick my girl. Let's see a doctor.

She went to the doctor at Nazan's urging. Analyzes, films, examinations….

Ayla actually had nothing physically. During a busy and pressured project, some employees chose to leave their jobs at the company that she worked at. During the establishment of the new staff, the entire workload was on the remaining employees. Intense workload, high responsibility and the desire to do error-free work wore Ayla out more than necessary. She even started to feel inadequate. She got into a spiral and lost her social life as she was shuttling between home and work. Finally, she asked for a permission and she could not get out of bed or leave the house for days.

Human beings are neither over-adequate nor under-adequate in any outcome.

Nazan mumbled this sentence so that Ayla could hear it.

- What are you saying, Nazan?

- So I'm saying, why are you so merciless towards yourself, Ayla?

- It was an important project and it had to be completed.

- But is it more important than your health?

- Of course not.

- Didn't you feel weird Ayla, when you couldn't stand so much pressure and left?

- Yeah, actually, uh... there's a planning error. Too much work, too little time, or too few employees. The bosses are too ambitious. Too much… 

When a person wants one thing too much, his eyes see nothing else. Only that result will satisfy him.

Nazan continued speaking.

- Do you know? This situation of your bosses is called ambition. It is really obsession with results, result-orientedness… And believe me, people have no right to interfere with the result. How do I know? I learned this in a seminar I attended. 

In achieving our goals, we can only deserve a quality result with detailed planning, disciplined work and supervision.

When a person stops trying, only the result begins to satisfy him.

- It is the same in trade... For example, when sales decrease, companies give discounts. However, shouldn't it be necessary to increase the quality of goods and services?

-Yes, I think you should come and tell this to our bosses. I don't know if they understand though. Their whole world is busy, I don't want to see their faces.

-So what are you going to do?

- Actually, I don't want to do anything, I just want to sleep for days...

-Oh... Look, I can't allow this. I want my old energetic, joyful sister again.

-So how will it be?

-It's very simple my dear... By walking... Just by walking :) It's time to take action... There is abundance in action. When your body gets stronger, your morale improves and you start thinking healthier, then you find the best solution for yourself.

-I'm glad to have you, my dear Nazan.

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1 Yorumlar

  1. It's unbeliable just walking stadily can make a starting to find a way to solve our knots...
