What Could It Be?


There were three hours left until the meeting, and her heart was pounding as if shewas having trouble keeping it in place. She had worked day and night for three yearsto become a project manager in this department. "Now take advantage of the chanceI gave you, don't mess it up," said the boss as she left in the evening.

Working hard did not tire Hale. But this boss was making Hale very tired. What didthis mean? “don't mess it up.” She wondered if she didn't give her this responsibilitybecause she was confident in her success. Her boss was one of those who neverhesitated to say the most unsaid things in the first time.

Sometimes she didn't care about her boss's behavior. But she couldn't stand it whenshe was angry. “Once this surrender is over, I will be out of here. If I sell lemons in the bazaar, I can earn my living, it is not worth this much stress in a three-dayworld…” she thought.

Usually, she would forget her stress after the delivery, but this time was verydifferent. Because all the responsibility was on her. If there was something shemissed in the file, she would have to explain it at the meeting. While she was gettingexcited about what if she was embarrassed, she thought, "Now I understand whysister Ayten is stressed on meeting days."

Okan said, "Your stress can be seen from the corridor," and entered the studio with a smile.

“You're right, I'm very stressed. How difficult it is to be responsible for a hugeproject. "The working part was also tiring, but I was nervous about what if I couldn'tanswer their questions and be embarrassed," she explained to her friend.

“What happens if you can't answer?” Okan asked. Hale stopped suddenly. Shestopped what she was doing and sat down in her chair. The tea she had poured in the morning was still there, and she took a sip of the ice cold tea. “What would reallyhappen?” she thought…

While some people attach great importance to what others say, others do not careabout what anyone says. While some people try to speak in every situation withoutoffending anyone, others just say what they think is right and pass it by. While thesedifferences make us angry, they actually keep us together and improve us. When a person can see what the other person does well that he cannot do, instead of gettingangry at those who are not like him, he begins to enjoy his workplace and the peoplehe works with.

Off Okan. "Now is not the time to be a philosopher, don't distract me," she said andcontinued her final check of the project.

As she walked down the stairs she found herself asking this question;

“What if I can't answer?”

The scene of her selling lemons in the bazaar by shouting "Come, citizen, come" came to his mind and a big smile appeared on his face. She feels better now.

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2 Yorumlar

  1. Farklılıkların aslında bizi geliştirdiğini anlayabilmek ilişkilerimizdeki çoğu problemin de çözümünü sunuyor.. Teşekkürler..

  2. Sometimes we forget Who provides sustenance... Beautifully written... Thank you.
