Advice To Myself...


Somewhere between my beginning and my end...
I've come, to go...
There were many, who fell to this place with me...
Some became happy when I came...
And some cried when I left...
I don't know.
Is it me, the smile on your face?
Am I the one who brings the whites to your eyes?

That's what they said...
That's what they said but...
At this stop, who was the one who said without exaggeration?
Who was indispensable for whom...
Who's in the shallow end of his mouth,
Who wouldn't die for another?

This is what I have learnt
The "never" that turns into "definitely",
It was one of the things I realised as I was stripped one by one from those who would never leave me...

When I find out,
I said, like a person parenting himself;
Oh my nafs!
Don't you know the brothers who left Joseph in the well?
Or... Zuleyha's eyes full of greed?
The wife who did not call Noah a prophet?
The people who ran to Moses when they were in need?
The fire they threw Abraham into?

Why do you think they're interested in you? 

Know this;
Human is...
the person who is worshipper of his own desires.
Know that;
Human is...
the person that few are those who prostrate themselves before their Creator.

The exaggerated attention of the prostrate to his desires is a sherbet.
It's nice for you, know this...
But its sugar is also poison... you should know that...

Now understand what I'm saying...
Don't ever think that every breakup is a breakup...
Don't consider the leaving of those who make you feel great as a loss...
Every break from extremes is an opportunity for humans...

To run to Allah, the Lord of the Universes...

Yorum Gönder

4 Yorumlar

  1. Ellerinize sağlık

  2. Best advise ever... Thanks for this amazing article :)

  3. Such a beutiful regocnition... Thanks a lot.

  4. Çok güzel bir yazı ellerinize sağlık..
