What is the Essence of a Human?

     tatil, anne, çocuk, sahil

While there is an unerring order of birth,
Why does death show no regard for sequence?
Not distinguishing between the young, old, sick, or spry,
And yet, humans strangely never pondered this!
Clearly, each person was given a span of time...
Some given less, others more,
Isn't it fate that safeguards the human?
And if time is granted, wouldn't it be wise to do good?

Then what are these ambitions, this animosity, this anger, and whose are they?
Was it the hungry or the one who left others famished?
The thirsty or the one who left others dry?
The weeping, or the one who brought forth the tears?
The one slandered, or the one casting the slander?
The one ruined, or the one causing ruin?
The one wronged, or the one committing the wrong?
Those whose possessions were stripped away, or those who seized from others?

Which one was the human?
Which truly defined humanity?


What desires could turn a child into an enemy in one’s eyes?
Who was the one fueling the burning fire within?
The one who both nurtured and destroyed the ground they trod upon...
The one who rose and fell...
Wasn't he the one who created the problem and the one who solved the problem?
When fairness exists, why choose tyranny?

Why choose injustice when fairness exists?
Why become a tyrant when mercy is an option?
Why snatch when sharing is possible?
Why divide when unity is within reach?
Why choose evil when goodness is an option?

Why be one of the bad when you should be one of the good? 
Who was it that deceived man, which of his desires led him astray? 
He forgot who was his true friend, who was his true enemy, who was who?

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1 Yorumlar

  1. Who was who... How truely and beautifully written... Thanks for this good work 🌿✨
