Is It A Desire? Or Is It A Necessity?..


Finally, the day they had been waiting for for years had come... What efforts and difficulties they had endured for seven years. Her dreams about marriage had come true. Almost two years have passed since the day they got married. It was time for the best news. About two years later, Derya broke the news to her husband Kadir that she was pregnant, with tears in her eyes.

Months passed, and finally that day came... Derya and Kadir went to give birth to their babies. Their families also came to share this joy with them. On one hand, those who cannot hold back their tears... On the other hand, those who distribute treats to those who came to celebrate... And there also those who want to see the baby...

When everything went well, they returned home with their baby Mehmet in a short time. It felt different to return as three people to the house they left as two people. Her mother would also stay with Derya and support her for a while. After all, she was experienced in this matter.

The first months went according to a certain routine. The days passed quickly with the baby's feeding, care and sleep. As he grew, some problems were solved and new ones were added. They were trying to do their best for Mehmet, whom they valued.

Over time, Mehmet grew up and started going to school. He didn't like doing homework very much. Despite this, he was a good student. He also loved going to school. His family spared no expense for him. One day, the technological devices he saw in his friends began to affect him, too. He also wanted to play games. When he told his family this request, they bought Mehmet one of the new models.

At first, Mehmet was playing when his family told him to. As the days went by, he started to enjoy just playing computer games. He started to spend more time in his room. He didn't see much of his friends anymore. He was not as interested in his lessons as before.

A person may encounter unexpected results in something he started with good intentions. Sometimes our desires can lead us to harmful things.

Mehmet's parents were also sorry for their only son. Their intention was to make Mehmet happy first. As time went by, this situation reached a point they could never have predicted regarding Mehmet. His teacher also reported that Mehmet was not as active in class as he used to be. He asked them what could be causing it. When his family talked to Mehmet, they could not solve the problem. These conversations only made him angrier. Mehmet had become unable to stop playing games. He couldn't enjoy anything external. When his wishes were not met, he turned into a complaining and rebellious child.

A person gradually moves away from the things he needs. It deteriorates so slowly that one doesn't even realize it's deteriorated. A person wants to have everything he wants in his life. Desires give birth to new desires. "There is no end to wanting," the old saying goes, right?

People go to extremes when contacted only by their desires. Sometimes it is corrupted due to human feasibility. When we focus only on our children's wishes while raising them, we cannot see their true needs. Sometimes people need to hear 'no'. There is a good in every 'no'.

A person thinks that he will be happy with 'yes', but he grows up with 'no'...

Wants and needs are not the same thing. A person may think that the things he wants are also his needs. While he does not go to extremes in what he needs, he becomes excessive in his demands.

Then we must ask ourselves:

Can we distinguish our needs and wants?

Can we really manage our desires?

If we keep our desires at a controllable level and prioritize our needs, why can't we be happy?


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3 Yorumlar

  1. Saying "no" as growth the whom it told also growth us either...

  2. Thank you, very nice article.

  3. İsteklere hayır demekte hayır vardır diyebiliriz o zaman. Yetiştirme işi gerçekten çok emekli ve önemli bir iş
