

Hot sands ranging from yellow to orange lay in front of them. As the camels moved, the sound of objects hitting each other was accompanied by the uncooling howl of the wind. Drops of sweat flowing from his temples were the witness. They were overwhelmed. They had been on the road for days, heading towards a target in a vast desert.

He was a nomadic traveler from place to place in the spring of his youth. He spent his life on the roads and between the lines. He participated in many caravans and took on a mission in each of them. He took care of the camels, took care of the belongings, and also wrote about his experiences. As soon as he heard that he was going to a holy town, he quickly prepared and left the inn where he was staying and joined at the last minute.

This time it was another community he joined. It wasn't like the previous ones. Tasks that had rules and required high concentration were waiting for him. On the other hand, he had to take notes to complete his first book. A new place, new people, an unknown journey. He was excited…

There was also a caravan leader. The chosen one... The leader... He was as compassionate as he was disciplined and strong. Acting and stopping according to the decision made by the caravan leader; When the order came again, preparations were made immediately. When they set off within half an hour, no one was waited for. It was not easy to act collectively. Theyhad to get adjusted.

As the nights turned into sandstorms and the days turned into mirages, he began to face his fatigue. Why did he become exhausted in such a short time? He was alive, strong, healthy. They had just set out on the road, though. If they had reached a caravanserai as soon as possible, he could have rested.

Due to the weight of his duties, the book he had to finish, his hunger and thirst, his consciousness began to fade. While the sun was like an angry cloud overhead, it was like he was being dragged towards a mirage. The voice of his wishes turned first into another camel next to his camel, and then into a black-clothed man on its back. He was speaking to him in a whisper between the pressures of pleasure and pain:

“What, you're very tired, aren't you? You're right, they burdened the first watch on you, too. They got their sleep, you didn't. Look, do you know what to do? Leave at the first inn. You can both rest and complete that book you want so much. Is it the only holy place? My dear, you can discover other places. You can also become richer wherever you go. You are still young. Who knows, maybe you'll meet a beautiful girl. Shouldn’t you lose that too because of that caravan? Come on, give me the camel's rope, I know the shortcut. Come with me."

Amidst his hesitation, that voice suddenly stopped, his face became ugly, and he woke up with a start, just as he was trying to catch his camel with his hand raised. He shouted "Nooooo" without realizing it. Everyone in the caravan suddenly turned and looked at him. He unwrapped the white cloth he wrapped around his face, took a deep breath, and took sips from the leather water bowl. It wasn't enough, he poured it all over his head. “Oh”, he said, “it was a mirage.” "It's okay, I'm fine, continue," he called out to his crowd. He regained consciousness. He woke up to the truth. He almost fell victim to a fake voice. What if that voice had diverted him from his path? He couldn't allow this.

He realized it much later. If he had fallen out with Caravan, he would have fallen prey to gangs and bandits. He would not be able to achieve both wishes and achieve his goal. He had made a decision once, he couldn't give up. His purpose lay on the horizon.

They were wading through the sand. The sun was about to set. The last rays of light were filtering down on them from the dunes. They would be staying soon. He started to think. What if he had continued with determination? What had those before him witnessed? He tried to remember the experiences…

"When a person acts with a community, stories to witness come his way."

A hopeful mother and her little child build a city in a deserted place...
A beautiful child becomes the head of a country while being left alone in a well...
A strong young man carries water jugs when he is hungry and thirsty and becomes the leader of a family...
An orphan baby guides a generation when it is the last option...

These stories were not in vain. So, what blessed event would he witness? If he missed it, he wouldn't get a note. That's why he erased the thoughts of leaving from his mind. He should have stayed in the moment with the caravan. He had to keep his consciousness open and balance his desires. He took a deep breath and gathered himself together. He finally remembered what he thought he had forgotten.

It was better to be at the tail of those who unite than to be at the head of something alone.
Because he knew that; "The united was superior to the single..."

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1 Yorumlar

  1. İnsan zayıflıklarını iyi bilmeli ki buradan gol yiyeceğini anlasın, tedbirli olsun ve kazansın. İnşallah bizim kendi yolculuğumuz da bilinçli ve bol kazanımlı olur. Teşekkürler emeğinize sağlık
