Beauty in The Detail

Gamze brought the summary version of a very long book for her daughter's book project. When she handed over the summary book in the evening, her daughter said "Mom". ‘’ I feel very sleepy while reading, can I read it to you?’’ 

Actually, he had work to do, but he still couldn't offend his daughter.

"Read it," she said. She had already read the original of the book, she knew it. But after a while after her daughter started reading, she regretted bringing the copy. Because the whole soul of the book, its literary zbeauty, those elegant details, were gone.

‘’Human and their missing’’ she thought to herself. They see details as unnecessary and redundant. They want to ged rid of, it becomes a burden to them. However, the secret is in the details, the beauty is in the details. Those who cannot perceive details perceive everything as a single thing.

‘’Just like the women at my workplace’’ she thought to herself. Like those women who see the details on their faces as a burden and undergo surgery to remove them. There was no different detail left in any of them, they were all the same. They look at life with botoxed but meaningless faces. However, the lines around our eyes are inherited from our smiles. The wrinkles on our foreheads carry the details of our worrys. Deleting them is like deleting our life. If we lose the details on our faces, won't we look like those soulless short novels called summaries after a while? 

People are more interested in the details of whatever they are interested in. This is the difference between the geologist and the person who looks around at the beautiful scenery during her/his journey. The geologist can predict the minerals in the rocks in that geography by looking at their colors. Because her/his perception is in this direction due to her/his interest. 

As you deal with the details, a child ceases to be just a child; he is defined as a smiling, cute or whiny child. When you go into more detail, he becomes a child who does not like to sleep, whose teeth shine brightly when he smiles, and who loves to share. The more we are interested, the more detailed we define it. And trying to focus on details also improves the quality of our perception. We stop just looking at things as they are and begin to understand the unseen.

Unless we pay attention to the details, the flower blooming in the middle of the pavement begins to look like a mistake, not a miracle… We cannot see the spoiled things our child does to please us, we think she/he is just being naughty... 

With these and similar thoughts, Gamze was able to realize the mistake she made.

"My GOD, when I wanted her to do her homework easily, I stole from my daughter the opportunity to find secrets in the details and to get into the emotions of the character! I have to fix this immediately!” she said and stood up quickly. 

When she took the book from her hand, her daughter also stood up. "Mom, are you crazy? What are you doing?

While throwing the summary in the trash, Gamze said: “There is no point in doing the project of a book where you cannot see the messages between the lines and witness its beauty. Either don't do this homework at all, or let me make you a coffee and start reading your book. "I'm sorry, a third option is not allowed."

"People's mothers buy ready-made homework, mine makes things difficult for me..."

You will thank me when you start to perceive the beauty in the details. Come on! 

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1 Yorumlar

  1. Nursena GECÜ25 Mart 2024 11:16

    Thank you for this useful article, good job 🌿
