The Day Ends, But the Journey Doesn't...

Shoulders slouched, the joy of living lost, and in a state of mind where he thought nothing would be the same again. He no longer had the strength to endure. He paused for a moment and gazed at himself in the mirror for a while. Then, his attention shifted to the people behind him. He watched them in the mirror for a long time. Strange, indescribable thoughts circulated in his mind.

Time, reality, dream, fake, illusion, space... Questions began to emerge in his mind: Were these people real? Were they really here? Or were their bodies here while their souls were in another place? His mind was thoroughly confused. Am I alone here? Are these people just extras, and am I the only one not realizing it? Is my mind playing tricks on me? Or maybe I've caught a cold from watching those imaginary, fantasy movies too much, he thought.

He washed his face and hands with cold water and left immediately. It felt like his feet couldn't touch the ground properly. He started walking fast. His mind seemed to be in a different place than his body. Yet, he had come to the shopping mall to shop and distract himself. He thought he could escape his problems and relax a bit.

He quickly left the mall, looked up at the sky, and took a deep breath. He headed towards the parking area. Getting into his car, he began to drive away. Suddenly, he found himself on the other side of the city. It was peaceful there, a quiet cafe by the water, away from people and the rush of the city. He sat on one of the swings under the eucalyptus trees. The sun was setting, casting a reddish glow on the lake. Lost in thought, he looked into the distance and uttered the words, "Is the life I'm living real?"

He thought about his past, his dreams, and his current life. "No!... I don't know how, but they are not real! Neither my feelings, nor what I feel, nor this marriage, nor this job! This is definitely not the life I want..."

But how come he was living a life that he never wanted, opposite to his dreams, and couldn't speak about it! Something must be going wrong; he must be under a spell. His mind was muddy, like murky water. He couldn't distinguish between what was real and what was fake.

He thought for a long time and decided what he wanted to do. He no longer wanted to continue this lifestyle that made him unhappy. And he hadn't been so sure about anything for a long time. This clarity inside him was leading him down a path.

All he could think about was getting rid of this fake life. Regardless of the cost, he was determined to end it.

They say when humans wake up, they realize that they were a sleep. And when he opened his eyes; the sun had not risen yet. But the light was shining into the room. That light was enough for him to get up. A real purpose was needed for a real life. There was no need for searching. "Since the One who sent me has already determined the purpose, it's up to me to accept it," he said.

And... he made an intention for a new life. A new day began. The road was long, he was aware, but he said, "It's worth it." He took his bag and set out on the journey...

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2 Yorumlar

  1. Wonderful! MaşAllah. I like most the end of it . A real purpose was needed for a real life. There was no need for searching. "Since the One who sent me has already determined the purpose, it's up to me to accept it," he said.
