Who is Who?


Why do people think that the people they are in relation are like themselves?

When he assumes that he is like himself, he realizes his mistake. Some internal conflicts, communication accidents and problems occur. So why?

How right is a mother who says, "Who knows my child better than me?"

And then that same mother complains, "How did my child become like this?"

Isn't this a bit strange?

Couples think that their own ideas are the best for each other.

However, they both have the same mindset and cannot find a compromise.

Everyone wants the person in front of them to be just like themselves.

"As long as I like something, they should like it too.

Wherever I want to go, they should want to go there too.

Let's be sad or happy about the same thing." But is this possible?

People perceive and make sense of life differently.

Therefore, their reactions are also different.

And at that moment, it is believed that what is happening is the world's biggest problem.... Is it really?

Human beings want to be happy and successful in life.

For this, they want to establish quality communication and satisfying relationships.

Therefore, it is necessary for a person to know themselves and the person in front of them.

Who am I? Who is the person in front of me?

What do we like or dislike?

How do we learn or what makes it difficult for us to learn?

What do we rejoice or get upset about?

On what basis do we make our choices?

What things increase or decrease the quality of our reactions?

How can we be better than our past?

How can we strengthen our weaknesses or protect our strengths?

The answer to all these questions lies in the "WHO IS WHO?" seminar program...


  • Ensures the recognition of differences
  • Helps manage differences
  • Improves perception and transmission quality
  • Facilitates making conscious choices
  • Increases thinking ability
  • Helps establish strong and successful relationships
  • Increases productivity in business
  • Supports the implementation of proper strategies in child rearing

"Who Is Who" topics:

  • The Source of the progrm : Experiential Design Teaching( EDT / DTÖ) ?
  • What is the Art of Knowing People ? 
  • Representatial Systems: Our differences in perceivement and transfer the world.
  • Chemistry of the Mind : How we analyse ? 
  • Neurological Styles : Our Inner Dynamics

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