

Today everyone is saying in unity:

Say thank you and be grateful... 

Because being grateful and saying thank you;

Activates the areas in our brain that produce happiness hormones. Saying thank you makes people cheerful. It improves their motivation. It is thought to prevent many psychological disorders.

Maybe it is connected to the fact that there is someone in almost every home today who is not psychologically well. Who knows? 

If we are a thankful person,

- We would be satisfied with what we have.

- Instead of focusing on what we don't have, we would be focusing on the positive aspects of our life. After a while our brain and body would adapt to the new mentality. Because in this life, behaviors follow thoughts.

- Incidents affecting other people wouldn’t destroy us. We would be strong in this life.

- We would wake up strong and refreshed in the morning and go to bed strong and happy in the evening.

- We would catch the good sides of everything that happens in between.

- We would look at life with justice. 

If we are not grateful;

- We always feel negative and depressed; like life is an array of evil. And our brain and body adapt to this within time.
- Even getting out of bed and doing our daily chores would become a nuisance.

- The first problem we encounter would fill us with anger and rebellion. 

That's why;

- If you want to be happy,
- If you want to be strong, 

You must look at life with gratitude and content. You should be able to focus on the positive side of even the saddest events. Small little treats would come to you throughout the day. But since they are given to everyone, it is difficult to realize and be grateful for them. This is the real blessing of gratitude. Being able to be grateful for what everyone looks at and no one can see. This allows human life to recover overall.

Then let's give thanks 

· To the Giver of hardship granting it with ease,

· To the One who gives you the determination to struggle without giving up hope until the last moment,

· To whom makes man a witness to himself with every choice,

· To learn from our experiences,

· To whom allows us to repent from our mistakes.

· To Him who surrounds us with His mercy,

· To the one who grants us the ability to be good and to do good and to show us goodness,

· To whom hides the positive within the negative and the negative within the positive, 

Thanks to God a million times, thanks to the One who is smaller than itself and cannot be fitted into any frame. Thanks to the One Creator. 

And for what have YOU been grateful today? 

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8 Yorumlar

  1. Thank you for having eyes to read this article today.💜

  2. Thank you very much🤲


  3. If you want to be happy, If you want to be strong,
    You must look at life with gratitude and content. A very good sentence. It touched my heart.
    Thank God for every minute I breathe.

  4. Thank God for seeing, hearing, having a body. 🤲🏻

  5. It was a very meaningful and touching article. Thank you for your effort

  6. An easy to understand and at the same time very touching article.
    Thank you for your effort and your pen🌼

  7. If you have enlightenment, you also have gratitude... So you worship only one and real God... (Lokman Surah)
