Like a Leaf Blowing Before the Wind

It was the latest cool days of summer. The sun was heating but not burning. A sadness appeared in Melis while making a farewell to the summer. As she thought, the summer passed away so fast. 

And what it left ? A big “nothing” . With this strange feeling, she could not even decide what to wear, while going out. Because it was so sad for her, seeing the sun is going away, as if it’s a personal matter. 

She thought about the plans at the beginning of summer ; going to lots of courses, attending to many classes, travelling to many places .... 

She wanted to do all the activties, that were suggested to her. There was such a weight on her, because of the plans or activities she could not complete. She was confused...The phone rang while she was watching out. 

She can not find her phone now, even it’s always nearby. 

It was Sude, they have not seen each other for a long time. Now she was on the way to Melis and wanted the see her , if she was available. Melis smiled : “ Well it will be good to get out of this mood and maybe I can take her advice...” she said. 

The one is like a blowing leaf in autumun, when can not make decision.

Blows from there to there.....

Sometimes a friend calls , she attends... She sees a painting and decides to be painter...She sees a photo of a good view and wants to travel to that country... She sees a swimwear and wants to go to seaside... Anyway, like a child..wants everything she sees.

She must set a target and make a decision between the choices, so that this confusion doesn’t happen.

Melis started thinking while walking along the street. What a pointless life...Regretfullness from the past, anxious about the future..Many thoughts in her mind..Sude has just arrived, when she went to the meeting point. They have seen each other two years ago.Two years...wov..She was surprised about the two years, yet she has not accepted the passing summer. 

The old people always says “ time is passing away so fast”, now she feels that .

How can it be ? The time flows like water?

Is this relative ? Why is she feeling that a very precious thing is passing away from her hinds ?

Sude is coming nearby. How fresh looking she is ? She was not like this, the last time they met. So clear, fresh and energetic.Something should happen, Melis thought . “Which cosmetics she is using, which estetician she is going to ? I must learn immediatiately” 

“ beatifull and fresh you are”.While hugging Sude, Melis asked:” Tell me the secret, what are you doing, what have you eat and drink?”

Sude started laughing to this sentence. Melis began to tell her last two years. Coming to the last summer, Sude was listening shocked. How can a person wants to do many thing but does nothing?

How can a person can evaluate , whether she is doing good or bad, if there is not any aim in her life?

How can she go to a conclusion without a target?

How she set her targets?

While talking to Sude, Melis noticed that there was not any aim in her life. No aim,no targets. 

Only daily, weekly requests and failures after them. Many failures, sticking on her. 

This life is not long enough to be blown away in th wind and reach somewhere. The shine on Sude’s face tells the inner aim of her life. A clear purpose. That’s why, she is not interested in the distractors. She does everything well and she goes away with a certainity on her choices. 

Melis was looking Sude carefully, while telling her own problems. She noticed the difference on Sude. They farewell each other. Melis decided to take a walk. It was a perfect day to make new plans, new decisions. 

It was such a day ;

To set herself a purpose so that she could find answers to these questions : 

Where am I coming from?

Where am I going?

What do I want to do?

It was a perfect day ; 

To set a new beginning and continue ..

To give up all the things out of her purpose...


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